Congrats to Yongfeng and Sean for their new publication “A molecular dynamics survey of grain boundary energy in uranium dioxide and cerium dioxide” in Journal of the American Ceramic Society!
Aashique, Anton, and Yongfeng attended the MiNES 2021 meeting at Pittsburgh
We really enjoyed the meeting and delivered three talks: Aashique Rezwan, Y. Zhang, Radiation-induced Segregation in Nanocrystalline FeCrNi under Concurrent Grain Boundary Movement A. Schneider, Y. Zhang, J. Gan, Correlating Properties of Irradiation Produced Nanoscale …
Professor Yongfeng Zhang delivered an invited talked “A statistical approach for atomistic calculations of vacancy formation energy and chemical potentials in concentrated solid” at the MS&T 2021 meeting
Welcome new group members
The M3 group is happy to welcome three new members: Dr. Anus Manzoor as a postdoc research, and two graduate students, Ms. Peng Wei and Mr. Lin-Chieh Yu.
The M3 group is excited to receive the NRC faculty development award
The NRC FD award will support the development of a multiscale modeling capability for modeling Cr dissolution in Ni-based alloys in molten salt. The focus will be placed on the effects of i) alloy composition, …
Our paper “A statistical approach for atomistic calculations of vacancy formation energy and chemical potentials in concentrated solid-solution alloys” is accepted for publication on Computational Materials Science.
PhD student opening
The M3 group is looking for one or more highly motivated students in the area of studying the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of point defects in concentrated alloys such as high entropy alloys, and the …
Welcome new members
The M3 Group is happy to welcome three new members in the Fall 2020 semester: Ian Prado and Albert Lin as PhD students, and Cate Beckman as an undergraduate student!
The M3 Group is excited to kick off two NEUP projects
The M3 Group receives supports from two new Nuclear Energy University (NEUP) projects starting 10/1/2020: “Statistical modeling of the effect of microstructural heterogeneity on the irradiation behavior of TRISO fuel buffer layer”. This project studies …